Tonight I did a photo-op with it plugged in and the heaters on.

I went to install the back of the amp components. They would normally include:
I went with upgraded modern Marshall Voltage Selector, and Speaker Impedance switch. These required a slightly larger than 1-1/8" hole to be cut out where the two little holes in the chassis were. I liked these switches becuase of their low profile. The lesson learned is that I should have done this first before anything else, but I didn't have those switches until the front and the board were in place.
These are the 12AX7 (3) Tube sockets.
Heat sinks
Here is a pic of the top of the board. It's about 97% done, just a few more wires to add.
Click to enlarge
I went with the Turret Lug design.
The Board material I found at (they have everything, if they don't have it, you don't need it)
Part Number 8557K15 (1/8" thick, 3" wide x 24" long)
Using Microsoft Powerpoint I designed the layout for the Turret Board. I verified the layout by laying all the parts on a paper and making the approximate locations. I found a technique to transfer a Laser printout to a circuit board at this address. (
I found a better paper material (Spy Paper) to use instead of the photo paper as described in that article.
Since this needs to be transfered, I had to do a Flip Horizontal in order for the text to be readable once it was ironed onto the turret board.
The next step was to use a Monokote Iron (used for iron on coverings for RC aircraft)
I used a IR Thermometer and set the Iron to a temperature around 340 F. Degrees.
To prep the Garolite board I used a superfine #0000 synthetic steel wool to make microscopic valleys for the toner to adhear to when melted.
I used plenty of force to make sure the toner was melted onto the board. At this point the paper is lightly adheared to the board. If we try to pull the paper off, the paper will contain most of the toner and the board will only have trace amounts left behind.
The paper I'm using here is the key to this whole process. I found a paper called "Spy Paper". It is made in such a way that it dissolves in water. The goal is to make the paper go away and leave the toner intact.
Here is the spy paper instantly dissolving under warm tap water.
Click on pictures to zoom inThe article I read, this guy worked at Staples and found a few papers that seemed to work pretty good. I tried it and it there always was some paper left embedded in the toner.
Thanks to Google!
Spy Paper! I found a product online called Spy Paper. They sell to magic shops and to spys I guess. The paper is suppose to completely dissolve in water. I figured this would be perfect for my task at hand.
I drew the dial pattern in PowerPoint using the Video Clip of that famous scene as a guide. That along with a calulator to divide the 300 degree arc into 12 segments = 27.27 degrees for each dial segment.
The plan is to applying the dials logos and text to the Chassis side of the plexiglass. Then spray paint the backside in gold or silver.
I found this Spy Paper on ebay from this eBay store (I tested it and it worked great!)
There is also this other store with greater quanitities, but I haven't tried their spy paper yet. It looks different from looking at the picture. (Un-Tested)
The video is the spy paper dissolving.