I had bought some Black handles for the amp, but it just doesn't look right. The handles would be the only only black on the amp and stack besides the feet. So I tore the handle apart to see how they constructed it. I was surprised to find a Steel strap that goes between the two ends. This is a really bullet proof strap,
literally it might actually stop a bullet :)
The filler in the strap itself was basically a paper/cardboard, this was used to bulk up the strap to make it thicker.

From my sailboat I have an Industrial Sewing machine and just
happened to have some really thick leather laying around. The leather is used in canvas work and on sails for chafe protection. It will be even better than cardboard as it will add a ton of strength to the strap. I'm thinking that the strap could be used to tow a car if the need ever arose.

This was my first attempt at the strap. The white thread just didn't look good IMHO.
My sewing machine is a brute, but isn't up to the job of making really pretty and
consistent stitches.

Here is attempt number two. This time using matching Red #69 (really thick) thread.
This turned out ok.

Here's the finished product sitting on the head cabinet. I'll be attaching them last after I get the head completely done so I can get the strap located at the center of gravity.
I can't believe you made that handle. You never cease to amaze me.